One Hundred Days on Instagram

On Instagram I am participating in #The100dayproject. The goal is to pick any activity and do that one activity for a consecutive 100 day cycle. I picked “mark making” as my activity since the idea of mark making seemed to be filled with possibilities for experimentation. My first 8 days have been an exploration of marks made with a Derwent charcoal pencil on Strathmore drawing paper that I folded into a small booklet.

While I began this mark making journey using charcoal, I may in fact introduce other media over the course of the project. As an artist, I already make art every day, so the real exercise for me was to introduce an element of play and imagination with the added bonus of participating in the 100 day commitment with other friends on Instagram. Having a small booklet designated for these sketches enhances the look of the collection, and I will no doubt create a small leather cover (like a traveler’s notebook system) to display my homemade booklets upon completion.

If you are participating in the 100 day challenge on Instagram, please leave a comment below and share what activity you have selected. I would like to make sure that I seek out your individual feed and enjoy your 100 day journey.


  1. Hi Kathleen, this is Dawn K. I’m also participating in the 100 day project, stitching with some friends. Unfortunately I’ve already missed a couple of days. Does “researching projects” on Pinterest count? LOL


    1. Yes, I would think that time spent on Pinterest could be incorporated into a 100 day habit project. LOL Hope you are doing well. I spend most of my free time on Instagram and Periscope these days. 🙂


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